I am sure by now you know that you can repair your credit yourself. However I realize that you might not want to go through the hassle of repairing your credit yourself and prefer to seek the services of a credit repair company.

Personally I am not a big fan of the credit repair companies because a lot of them are scams. In the next ten (10) days starting today I am going to be going over the ten (10) most important questions you should be asking a credit repair company which will help you to determine if they are legitimate and if the credit repair company will be able to provide you with quality service and resolve any issues you are having with your credit.

Please press play below to watch the video. In this video I discuss the first question you should be asking a credit repair company.

Keep your eyes glued to your email inbox because tomorrow I am going to be sending you the second question you should be asking a credit repair company.

Remember leaving your comments is very important to us, this is how we know if you find value in what we are doing. Don’t forget to share the video with your freinds and family.

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