I am sure everybody heard about the Equifax Breach. This is absolutely no joke. Everybody that has a social security number is basically affected by this. For those who don’t know who is Equifax let me briefly explain. Equifax is one of the 3 major credit bureaus, it is a multibillion dollar for profit company, whose main goal is to make money by selling our personal information to their customers, the banks and other creditors.


1. Equifax been around since the late 1800 and all Equifax do is collect our personal information without our permission so they can sell to banks and other creditors and the banks and creditor only want quality authentic information.

2. The quality of the information the hackers received is prime information our full name, social security number, addresses, phone numbers, date of birth

3. Everybody should be concern about this people with good credit, people with bad credit, people with no credit that has never use credit for anything and only use cash.


1. Visit Equifax website by clicking here now to see if you were affected or impacted (DO NOT SIGN UP FOR EQUIFAX FREE CREDIT MONITORING YOU MIGHT POTENTIALLY WAIVE YOUR RIGHT TO SUE THEM)

2. If you have been impacted, you should immediately place a fraud alert on all three credit bureaus by clicking on the links below, once you do this with one credit bureau somtime they automatically notify the others, but to be on the safe side do it with all 3 credit bureaus or at least confirm that it is done.

* Equifax Fraud Alert

* Experian Fraud Alert

* Transunion Fraud Alert

By placing a fraud alert on your credit profile you are alerting potential creditors out there to contact you or verify your identification before issuing credit in your name because you are a fraud victim.

3. This is for added security and even if you have not been impacted by the Equifax breach I still highly recommend that you put a credit security freeze on your credit profile. In some states it is free, while in others you have to pay. If you have to pay it is about $10 or $20 and it is worth it. Here is the links to put the security freeze on your credit report.

* Equifax Credit Freeze

* Experian Credit Freeze

* Transunion Credit Freeze

Credit Freeze can be a little annoying to consumers because when you go to apply for credit, you will not be able to do so until you lift or remove the credit freeze. A lender would not be able to run your credit at all.

4. Visit www.hishercreditreport.com or www.blackpeoplecreditreport.com to sign up for a reputable monitoring service.

5. Sign up for a 100% free credit analysis from Asar Khepri & Associates by calling 1877-900-1454 or visit www.blackpeoplecredit.org and click on the orange button on the right to schedule a 100% free credit analysis so we can help you determine if you were a victim.

Please leave your comments below and if you have questions call us 1877-900-1454 or to learn more about our company visit www.blackpeoplecredit.org