Who’s looking at your credit Report?

That is a very good question, please click play below to get your answer.

(1)Banks can look at your credit

(2)Employers can look at your credit

(3)Insurance Companies can look at your credit

(4)Utility Companies can look at your credit

(5)Cell Phone Companies can look at your credit

Any body that you are going to do business with and they feel you might be a potential risk can run your credit.

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What is a credit bureau?

There is a lot of misinformation about the credit bureaus.
The credit bureaus and the banks are not going to be please with this video, but so let it be, I have to reveal the truth.

Please click play to watch the video below.

(1) The credit bureaus collects and maintain information about your credit history.

(2) They’re three major credit reporting agency Equifax, Transunion and Experian.

(3) The credit bureaus are in business to make money, so this means they are for profit agencies.

(4) The credit bureaus are in the data business, they sell your personal information to banks and other lenders.

(5) The credit bureaus biggest customers are the banks.

To learn more about the credit bureaus and banks secret relationship please read the ebook I wrote entitled “7 things you must know before your start the credit repair/restoration process”.

If you want to gain access to this book check the first email that was sent to you, if you deleted the email accidentally then no worries, a link to the book is in the ps section of the email that was sent to you with this video link.

If you are not on our list then visit www.blackpeoplecredit.com or www.hishercredit.com so you can gain access.

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What is a credit score?

If you plan to or have already purchase a home, a car or any big ticket items like home furnishing,then you need to pay close attention to the video below.

This video is about a number that can determine your financial lifestyle and that number is called your credit score.

Please watch video to learn more.

(1) A credit score is a mathematical formula, that creates a 3 digit number based on the information from your credit report.

(2) A credit score ranges from 350 to 850(this is the fico scoring module which is use by more than 90% of the institution that issue out credit).

(3) A credit score is base on your payment history, amounts owed, length of credit history, new credit and types of credit.

(4) All lenders look at your score to determine if you qualify for a loan or not and also to determine the amount of interest rate they are going to charge you.

To learn more about credit score you can read the ebook I wrote entitled ‘5 Insider Secrets For Increasing Your Credit Ratings Super Fast For Free’ Just check the first email you received.

If you are not on our email list, then visit www.blackpeoplecredit.info or www.hishercredit.info right now so you can get a free copy.

If you are on our list and you accidentally deleted the first email no worries, a link is provided at the bottom of the email this video was sent in, it’s in the ps section.

Remember to leave your comments and feel free to share this video with friends and family.

What is a Credit Report?

More than half of the population have no idea what a credit report is. This is sad because it affects every aspect of our life. This is what prompted me to create the 5 minutes video below. In the video you are about to watch I explain exactly what a credit report is. I explain it so that a 2 year old can understand.

If you feel I am isulting your intelligence, by explaining the information in the video so that a 2 year old can understand, that is definitely not my intention, while it is easy for you to comprehend the information quickly, not everybody have the same learning pattern. This is the reason why I explain the information the way I do.

Please click play now to watch the video.
When you’re finish watching the video please leave a comment

Your credit report is broken down into four sections:

(1) Personal information

This section contain your name, address, social security number, date of birth and employment history.

(2) Credit history

This section contains account details such as open date, credit limit, loan amount, balance, payment terms and history.

(3) Inquiries

This section contains record of who has requested a copy of your credit report.

(4) Public Records and Collections

This section contains liens, bankruptcies, delinquent child support, judgments, items handled by collection agency.

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How does credit affects you finances?

A lot of people don’t realize, the serious effects of credit. I can absolutely say without any shadow of a doubt that lot of the stress people are feeling today stems from this six letter word CREDIT.

In this 3 minutes video you are about to watch I reveal the BIG impact credit have on your life click the play button below.

As you can see credit affects every aspect of your life.

1) It determine if you’re going to rent or own your home.

2) It determine your monthly mortgage payment.

3) It determine your security deposit before renting a home.

4) It determine if you drive or take public transportation.

5) It determine your monthly car payment if you do drive.

6) It determine your credit card interest rate.

7) It can determine if you get a job or not.

Credit affects every aspect of your financial life.

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Don’t be selfish share this video with a friend 🙂

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Identity Theft Is Real

This video shows you exactly how your identity can be stolen over the internet. This is crazy!!! Watch the video now.

Leave your comments let us know what you think, hit the facebook like button and please share this video with your friends and family, this affects everybody.

I was a victim of identity theft to hear my story click here now.

Bad Credit

Bad credit, its like a thorn in your life. Feel as if you’re trap and can’t move on with your life because of your negative credit ratings? Click play below and watch the video.

If you have a negative credit ratings and what do I mean by negative credit ratings? I mean you can’t get qualify to purchase or refinance a home, pay a very high interest rate on your car payment, personal loan payment, credit card payment, just to name a few then that means you have a negative ratings.

Stop the credit bureaus and preditator lenders from exploiting you click here now to gain access to an enlightening video that reveals the top two credit repair companies in America.

Please share this video with your friends and family, hit the facebook like button and let me know what you think or what you would like to see more of in the comments section of this blog.

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Credit Card Interest & Chains

Feel like you can’t get out of the credit card trap. I know I have been there too. It seems like every month these credit card companies continue to raise there interest rate. Take 3 minutes out of your busy schedule and watch the video below.

Remember to leave your comments. If you know anybody with credit challenges please refer them to this powerful website www.freecreditvideos.info
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Scores Lower When You Pull Your Credit Report

If you are shopping for a car, home or purchasing any big ticket item, please click play below now to watch a video that explains the negative impact pulling your credit report can have on your credit scores.

As usaul click the facebook like button if you like the video, leave your comments and don’t forget to share the video with your friends and family.

If you know anyone with credit challenges and they’re trying to locate a legitimate credit repair company. Tell them to visit www.freecreditvideos.info right now.

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Forecloser And Your Credit

This really good video about forecloser and your credit leads the way, press play now to watch this 3 minutes video, pay close attention at the end.

If you have been a victim of forecloser and feel like your dream of owning a home again is shattered,well get up, whipe those tears from your eyes and put a smile on your face.

I have some good news for you, I know of credit repair companies that have been successful in removing foreclosers from of people’s credit file which have allowed them to get qualified for a home. Click here now to gain free access to a video that reveals the credit repair companies.