Bankruptcy, Debt & Credit

This video reveals some really good information about the effects that bankruptcy have on your credit, but as usual we have the solution, so pay close attention to the end of the video. Click play now.

Remember to leave your comments and if you want to gain access to a legitimate credit repair company click here now

Auto Loan Application And Your Credit

Are you planning to purchase or finance a car? This video is a good video for you to watch.

Please click play now

To gain access to the ebook that reveals the secret relationship between the banks and the credit bureau please check the email that was sent to you along with this video. If you’re not on our email list then click here now.

If you like the video please hit the facebook like button below and also remember to leave your comments, let us know what you think.

If you’re having some challenges with your credit and want to locate a legitimate credit repair company click here now to gain access to a 4 minute video that highlights one of the important section of a research we did about credit repair companies that ultimately reveals the top two credit repair companies in America.

Thanks for watching

Budgeting And Credit

This experian produced video provide you with some really good tips about proper budgeting. When you do proper budgeting of your finances, you have a good chance of paying your bills ontime. Which will have a really good impact on your credit scores. Click play now.

To learn more about credit and to gain access to other really good educational videos about credit visit

If you know anyone with credit challenges send them to this site now

Thanks for watching

College Students And Credit

Credit is one of the most important things in these united states of America, now I am sure that is not news to you. The big question is, why isn’t it taught in schools? I can give you a million and one reasons but I am sure you don’t have the time. So click play below to get watch a 3 minutes video that will explain how to talk to your children about proper management of their credit.

A good way to get your children equiped with the right information about maintaining and getting good credit is by having them sign up for the free credit educational video series at

If you have not signed up for this free credit educational video series, chances are, you are over paying on all your insurance premiums, credit card monthly payments, car payments and more. Click here now to gain access to this free credit educational video series.

If you have credit challenges and you’re trying to locate a legitimate credit repair company click here now.

Thanks for watching and don’t forget to share this video with your friends and family and like it on facebook. Most importantly leave your comments I love to read your feedback.

Check List Before Buying A Home.

Are you planning on purchasing a home? Great congratulations. This a big step and you need know that a lot of people’s dream of owing a home is regularly shattered because they do not follow the very important check list before buying a home. Please don’t be one of those people. Press the play button to watch the video and pay very close attention.

If you were ever turned down for a mortgage, because you have some credit challenges and now you feel like your dream of owing a home has been shattered. Hey, keep hope alive.

I am here to tell you that dream of yours of owning your home can still be a reality. Please click here now to learn about some really good credit repair companies that can help you clean up your credit so that you can qualify for that mortgage to purchase that dream home.

Car Insurance And Your Credit

This video reveals some information a lot of people is not aware of. You owe it to yourself to click play and watch this powerful video it can potentially save you hundreds of dollars on your car insurance premium. Click play now.

As usual we welcome your comments, please do not hesitate to share this video with your friends and family. If you have credit challenges click here now to gain access to a video that reveals the top two credit repair companies in America. Also remember to like this video on facebook.

Marriage and Credit

Married life is a serious thing be carefull how you put on the wedding ring. That was the lines from a ae song sang by reggae artist Junior Reid.

A lot people fail to realize the impact each spouse credit can have after their married. The video below is a must watch if you are planning on getting married, you’re already married, know someone that’s getting married or already married.

Please click play below to watch now.

If you or your spouse have credit challenges that is preventing you from doing what you want to do to improve your lives like purchasing or refinancing a home, you need to find a legitimate credit repair company. Asar Khepri and the team have been able to locate the top two credit repair companies in America after 19 months of reasearch click here now for immediate access.

Remember this is not a video to keep to yourself, please share it and if you like it hit the facebook like button and let us know what you think by leaving your comments.

What is credit restoration or credit repair?

In this video I eliminate all of the decorative words,that most individuals use to give off an image that they are super intelligent and just get straight to the point, which is to answer the question asked above we know you have better things to do other than sitting down and watching a 10 minutes video of an individual making all sort of ridiculous claims. Please leave your comments after you have watched the video and hit the facebook like button if you like the video.

Please leave your comments and hit the facebook like button if you like the video. Tomorrow I will be emailing another powerful hishercredit educational video so if you are not our list please sign up now by filling out the webform to the right. Thanks

Why can’t I get a Mortgage?

This is a wonderful video created by Experian showcasing Vivica Fox from the movie Independence Day, utilizing her acting skills to show why most people cannot get a mortgage, and it’s not what most people think it is. Enjoy the video and remember to leave a comment and like it on facebook.

Remember we really love to hear your opinions, so let us know what you think below and if you like the video then like it on facebook. Thanks

Can Bad Credit Prevent Me From Getting a loan?

This is a question on most people’s mind. Danny Glover from the Color Purple, Lethal Weapon 1,2 & 3 just to name a few of the movies he is known for, did a good job in this Experian produced 4 minutes mini movie of answering the question above. Please leave your comments below and remember to like this video on facebook.

Please remember to like the video on facebook and leave your comments, love to know what you think.