If you plan to or have already purchase a home, a car or any big ticket items like home furnishing,then you need to pay close attention to the video below.

This video is about a number that can determine your financial lifestyle and that number is called your credit score.

Please watch video to learn more.

(1) A credit score is a mathematical formula, that creates a 3 digit number based on the information from your credit report.

(2) A credit score ranges from 350 to 850(this is the fico scoring module which is use by more than 90% of the institution that issue out credit).

(3) A credit score is base on your payment history, amounts owed, length of credit history, new credit and types of credit.

(4) All lenders look at your score to determine if you qualify for a loan or not and also to determine the amount of interest rate they are going to charge you.

To learn more about credit score you can read the ebook I wrote entitled ‘5 Insider Secrets For Increasing Your Credit Ratings Super Fast For Free’ Just check the first email you received.

If you are not on our email list, then visit www.blackpeoplecredit.info or www.hishercredit.info right now so you can get a free copy.

If you are on our list and you accidentally deleted the first email no worries, a link is provided at the bottom of the email this video was sent in, it’s in the ps section.

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